
This group consists of 400 species of tropical, evergreen trees and shrubs commonly known as West Indian Jasmine. These plants have leathery, 3- to 6-inch long leaves alternately or spirally arranged on the stems. In the summer, large, terminal clusters of tiny, white, yellow, orange, rose, or scarlet flowers are produced.

Pot Cultivation

These plants need a minimum temperature of 55� F. Grow them in well-drained containers filled with two parts loam and one part peat moss or leaf mold, with a bit of crushed charcoal and coarse sand added. In the summer, they like to have a somewhat humid atmosphere and shade from harsh sunlight. To help achieve this humidity (in climates which aren't humid), sprits the foliage often. Less humidity is needed in the winter. Repotting should be done in March and pruning is done two to four weeks beforehand. Water lightly until the plants are well rooted in their new containers, which at that time they can be watered more freely. From September to March, only water when the soil is nearly dry.


In April, cuttings of young shoots can be inserted in sandy peat in a propagating case in a warm greenhouse. The rooted cuttings should be potted separately in small pots and eventually in larger ones. Pinch the tips of the main shoots and the subsequent side branches to produce bushy plants.


  • I. acuminata;
  • I. coccinea; Fraseri;
  • I. chinensis & var. Prince of Orange;
  • I. macrothyrsa. 

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